We are hosting our next newcomers session on 1st May! You can register here:
From 10 - 11.30, we'll run you through the building blocks of playing touch. We're a club for all levels, so whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced rugby player looking for a new challenge, there's something for everyone at one of our sessions.
We'll be following the latest social distancing protocols which currently means there is no contact allowed at these sessions. However, we'll be able to cover lots of basics across handling and touch mechanics, and it's a great way to meet some friendly faces as thing start to open up!
If you have football or non-metal studded boots, please bring them, but if not then you can borrow spare pairs that the club has. Please don't wear full metal studded rugby boots, as these aren't allowed in touch.
For more info and pics of other recent events, see our socials:
Here's where we meet (the yellow highlighted arrow):